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5 kwietnia 2010

73. Raz, Dwa, Trzy – Sufit (The Ceiling)

In my opinion, one of the best songs of Raz, Dwa, Trzy band. The author, Adam Nowak, who is also the main singer of the band, used different meanings of Polish idioms comprising the title noun. They don’t translate literally and so the play on the meanings is incomprehensible to English readers.
Probably, the most important idiom to explain the symbol of the ceiling is “mieć nierówno pod sufitem” (/mjɛtɕ ɲɛruvnɔ pɔt sufitɛm/), which may be translated into English as “not to be right in the head”. In the Polish idiom, the ceiling is connected with reason, common, or maybe too common sense. It is also a barrier, an artificial one as well, which separate us from what is higher. Therefore, our existence is rather superficial and shallow, although we “look for words which says there are no two truths on earth”.

The Ceiling

Szukamy słów
We look for words
które mówią że nie ma dwóch prawd na ziemi
Which say there are no two truths on earth
czekamy więc
We wait then
na tę prawdę która podobno ma nas odmienić
For the truth, which arguably will change us
lecimy w dół
We fly straight down
czasem w górę wtedy wszędzie jest za daleko
Sometimes up, then it’s too far to go anywhere
wracamy lecz
We come back yet
od tej pory niestety nikt na nas nie czeka
And from now on nobody waits for us no more

Nie ma nocy
There are no nights
nie ma snów
There are no dreams
ponad nami
Above us there is
The ceiling

Słuchamy prawd
We listen to the truths
co tak łatwo znikają między słowami
Which so easily vanish between the lines
wierzymy że
We believe that
chociaż jedną jedyną zdołamy ocalić
We can rescue at least one of them
płoniemy bo
We burn for
puste miejsca po gwiazdach są nadal niczyje
Empty places after stars are still no one’s
znikamy jak
We vanish like
krople deszczu sunące wolno po szybie
Rain drops dribbling slowly down the pane

Nie ma nocy…                       [x3]

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