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3 kwietnia 2010

70. Haiku Fristajl (Dariusz Brzóska Brzóskiewicz – lyrics; Marcel Adamowicz, Dariusz Brzóskiewicz, Stanisław Sojka – vocals) – Sarenka (Roe Deer)

Not many Poles know that they have a real haiku poet. Dariusz Brzóska Brzóskiewicz is the on-duty Polish haiku writer.
Haiku Fristajl” was a project made not only by Brzózkiewicz, but also by well-known Polish singer Stanisław Soyka, whose vocals appears in the song. More information on the “Haiku Fristajl” web page and of course on the Polish wiki.

Roe Deer

Sarenka na mrozie nie może
Roe deer in the cold cannot hold on
Czeka na ciepły oddech
Waiting for warm breath
Leśniczy ją głaszcze po udzie
Forester stroking its thigh
Niech się naje do syta
Let it eat its full

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