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18 listopada 2010

155. Wilki – Eli lama sabachtani

Apart from the song ‘Son of the blue sky’, ‘Eli lama sabachtani’ is another major hit by the group Wilki, one of Polish most popular rock bands founded in 1991 by Robert Gawliński, the current frontman of the band and its songwriter.
The song’s title is a well known gospel quotation, namely one of the Jesus’ last words on the cross: ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?’ They may be found in two gospels: Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. Being in Aramaic, they are differently transliterated in various versions of the Bible. The well-known Polish version used by Gawliński probably comes from late Renaissance version by Jakub Wujek (

Eli lama sabachtani
Eli lama sabachtani

Z Tobą odeszły anioły
With You the Angels have gone ‘way
Jest noc w ogromnym domu
It’s dark inside the great house
Umierałem i wołałem do nich
I was dying, I was crying to them
Nie ma nas, nie ma nas
We’re not here, we’re not here

Nie ma nas...
We’re not here…

Płynie miasto a ja w nim tonę
Town is flowing with me drowning in
Białe mury upadły i koniec
White the walls had all tumbled down, that’s that
Brud dookoła i sam na ulicy
Dirt all around us, alone in a street too
Kiedy krzyczę, kiedy krzyczę
When I’m screaming, when I’m screaming

Nie ma nas...
We’re not here…

I tak wszystko to co mamy jest w naszych sercach
Anyway, all we’ve got is in our hearts

Nie ma nas...
We’re not here…

Eli lama sabachtani, Eli, Eli...
Eli lama sabachtani, Eli, Eli…

Z Tobą odeszły anioły
With you the angels have gone ‘way
Z Tobą odeszły anioły
With you the angels have gone ‘way
Nie ma nas, zostałem sam, sam
We’re not here, I’m on my own, own
Zostałem sam, sam...
I’m on my own, own…

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